
Book 20 years

6 x 3 + 2 = is the name of our book and an equation that never ends.

There are only a few units left. If you've come this far and dared to wish, our book can now be yours. Do you really want it?

Write to us.

You only pay the shipping costs (to anywhere in the world). Or, if you prefer, you can pick it up in person, free of charge, here at our headquarters: Av. Nossa Sra. de Fátima, 240, salas 61 e 63, Americana, SP. Just let us know how you prefer when you write to us.

An invitation to you to understand us, to find out more about what we think and do. Learn about our award-winning campaigns in Brazil and around the world. There are 135 pages illustrated and described especially with the highlights of our portfolio over these two decades.

Twenty years of history in 288 pages. People, ideas, design, art and creativity. The project, with a closed format of 31 x 31 cm and impeccable production and finishing by PifferPrint, includes testimonials from professionals, clients and friends who have contributed to making Audaz one of the most important independent agencies in Brazil.

Watch the ONLINE SARAU that launched the book to the world:

In addition to the incredible printed edition with numbering and owner control, you can also access the book 6 x 3 + 2 = in an audio version, available on Spotify. The project is not limited to reproducing the content of the book in audio. A dynamic and innovative version has re-edited the interviews from the printed version to provide a journey in the company of the soundscape of each Audaz address, as well as instrumental music composed by Gustavo Spínola, musicians and guest artists.

The book cover (reproduction of the original screen above) is a work by Adão Iturrusgarai. Publicist and journalist Cristiane Negrão conducted the interviews and the textual organization of the publication. Editing, additions, cuts and tips by Alexandre Bassora, founder/general creative director of Audaz. The graphic design is by award-winning graphic and type designer Daniel Justi. The textual interventions are by Felipe Valério.

Image from the Book 20 years project
Image from the Book 20 years project
Image from the Book 20 years project
Image from the Book 20 years project
Image from the Book 20 years project
Image from the Book 20 years project